Setting up Static IP in Raspberry Pi

Setting up Static IP in Raspberry Pi

Usually DHCP is enabled by default.

Means Pi will get new random IP on most cases. But building a Project with Dynamic IP is Pain, Because the IP changes frequently.

Why Static IP?

My Raspberry Pi hosts lot of In-house tools, If IP Address changes frequently either i have login to the Router and Check Pi Address or Using the Fing app does the Job.

How about giving static IP to Pi which never changes.

Follow the below instruction to set static IP address in Raspberry pi.

Open the Terminal and run following commands.

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

This will open up DHCP Configuration file.

Paste the below line inside the file.

If you connected in Raspberry Pi via Ethernet Cable

interface eth0

static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

If you connected in Raspberry Pi via WiFi

interface wlan0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

Once you're done. Press CTRL+O to save the file, Then CTRL+X to exit.

Now, Perform reboot. sudo reboot

Let's break the above lines...

  • interface eth0 is the Network Interface I'm using. Here it means ethernet port
  • static ip_address= means, 192.168.0 Network ID and 10 means host address
  • static routers= means IP Address of my router
  • static domain_name_servers= Means, Domain Name Server. It can be anything like your router IP or Google Public DNS

Note: IP Address of your router may vary

To check the IP Address. Run the Below Command in Terminal


If you face any issue. Feel free to comment below.