Setting up Gotify in Raspberry Pi

Setting up Gotify in Raspberry Pi

Gotify is a simple server for sending and receiving messages in real-time per Web Socket. Written in Go Lang and It's Completely Free and Open-Source.

Checkout their GitHub:

Well, This Post will go through about Installing and Setting up Gotify Server in Raspberry Pi.

Open up the Pi and connect through SSH or Direct Access with Keyboard Monitor and all.

Here I'm using Raspberry Pi Model 3b+

Switch to /opt directory

cd /opt

Now run the Below command to Download Gotify Server for RaspberryPi.

sudo wget

Note: This is the Latest version of Gotify while Writing this Post

Once the Download is Complete, Run the Below Command to Unzip it.

sudo unzip -d gotify

This will create new directory called gotify

Now run this below command go inside that directory

cd gotify

Now run below command to Make the Binary as Executable

sudo chmod +x gotify-linux-arm-7

It's Time to Run. Run the Below Command.

sudo ./gotify-linux-arm-7

But Default Gotify server runs on Port 80. Which can be accessed using IP Address.


Default Username and Password for Gotify is admin/admin

Keep Gotify always running in Raspberry Pi

These are the steps you have to follow to keep gotify running in Raspberry Pi

Open the Terminal and run the following command

nano /lib/systemd/system/gotify.service

and paste the below lines into the file

#Gotify Service (
Description=Gotify Starter



Press Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X to save and close it.

Reload the Systemd daemon using the below command.

systemctl daemon-reload

Now, Start the Gotify Service

systemctl start gotify

From now, the Gotify will keep running even after closing the Terminal and auto restarts when the pi boots.

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